Display of images, currency and hyperlinks in custom list view

In the columns of our custom list views (e.g. Person Search), currencies, images and hyperlinks are now displayed in the correct format. MSR-684 | Sep 2024

Who is this feature for?

All users will benefit from this improvement. 

Benefits for you as a user

  • You can now customise a list view even more to your liking
  • A uniform Salesforce user experience   

Explanation of this new feature

In the columns of the Person Search results screens, Application Overview, Application Process screen and Match Lists, the currency fields, formula fields with images and URL fields are now displayed in the correct format:

  • Currency field: the currency symbol and amount notation are determined by the configured currency and language settings
  • Formula field with image: the image is displayed
  • URL field: the hyperlink is shown and when clicked, the URL opens in a new tab 

Feature Implementation Time (FIT)

  • No implementation/setup required

🔗 Here you can find the key features from the September 2024 Release