Features in the MSR Recruitment package that have been improved or issues that have been resolved (February Release / 2025-1).
77224 | Replace these quick actions with new components
78960 | Confirmation of sent email was not displayed
80663 | Sending a questionnaire via WhatsApp
83020 | Special characters in translations were not displayed correctly on the portal
81911 | Validation of document validity blocked saving
83091 | Screen became unresponsive if a field was removed or if access was restricted
83181 | Managed fields for event start and end times are being phased out
83247 | Custom icon color in application step settings
83804 | Closed application status could still be selected in all job procedures
84033 | Unnecessary refresh after changing status with a screen flow
84320 | Duplicate file extension when merging documents
84581 | Merge field in the subject line of GDPR emails was not working
84695 | Preview of My Sign document was downloaded instead of displayed
85132 | Search People action buttons could become overly wide
85194 | Naming of custom metadata types for combined functionality
85407 | Group email feature for candidates to activate their accounts
85452 | Secondary activity information in generated documents was not always displayed correctly
85613 | Current application status of a job was sometimes not updated
86044 | Changing font size in an email message
86139 | Logging in via a saved portal email is no longer possible
86151 | Flow action to open a record resulted in an error message
86703 | Flow component for formatted text was always required
86722 | Knock-out question score was not calculated for sub-jobs
87073 | Displaying portal menu based on a main and sub-menu
87888 | One-minute time discrepancy in Outlook appointments
88102 | GDPR confirmation email was sent in the wrong language
86981-84283-88105 | Improvements in creating GDPR cleanup actions
88186 | Workflow tiles for certain objects were not functioning
Quality Update 28-02-2025
87514 | Bullet points in job experience descriptions
87757-88504 | Report could not be generated due to missing German translation
88185 | Validity of residence permits not correctly processed with Datachecker
88267 | Confirmation text for appointments not visible on Experience Cloud Portal
88441 | Checkbox for "Store on external data source" was not disabled
88657 | Error in "Forgot Password" email due to a large number of email templates
88695 | Incomplete application step when closing a completed flow with the close button
Quality Update 07-03-2025 (v 7.8)
88795 | Merged documents could not be emailed
88969 | Navigation via list views – Reversal of change
77224 | Replace quick actions with new components
Several quick actions in the MSR package have been replaced with a new Lightning Web Component (LWC) variant. It is recommended to replace them. The affected actions are:
- submitDossier (object msf__Dossier__c / Dossier)
- sendVerificationEmail (object Contact / Person)
78960 | Confirmation of sent email was not displayed
When sending an email from a flow component, the successfully sent confirmation message is now shown again if the email is sent successfully.
80663 | Sending questionnaires via WhatsApp
In the 2024-03 September release, it became possible to send questionnaires via WhatsApp. In this release, that functionality has been discontinued.
An alternative method for sending WhatsApp messages has been introduced, allowing questionnaires to be sent to candidates without requiring an invitation. Since this is a new feature, it will first be rolled out to a small group of clients. Starting with the 2025-02 release, this functionality will be expanded to all customers.
83020 | Special characters in translations were not displayed correctly on the portal
Characters with diacritics used in translations are now displayed correctly on the portal. Previously, errors could occur, such as displaying 'geÃ'nformeerd' instead of 'geïnformeerd'.
81911 | Validation of document validity blocked saving
If you use a validation rule for a document's expiration date, you can now manually correct the date and successfully save the document.
83091 | Screen became unresponsive if a field was removed or if access was restricted
In some cases, a screen with a customized list view (such as the application process, match list, or search people) would freeze after an unclear error message. This was usually caused by a field being removed or restricted, even when used as a column, search criterion, or filter. Field encryption could also lead to unclear messages. These situations are now handled more effectively:
- The screen no longer freezes
- A clear error message now points to the problematic field
- If a filter configuration becomes invalid, it reverts to the default filter
- If the user is the creator of a list view, any invalid list views are automatically cleaned up to prevent future errors
83181 | Managed fields for event start and end time are being phased out
Several managed custom fields related to event start and end times have been or are being phased out. If you use any of these fields in an email or document template, replace them with the relevant standard Salesforce fields.
Fields that have not yet been phased out will first have the suffix "Deprecated" added to their field labels in this release. In the next release, they will be removed from the managed package, allowing you to delete them permanently.
Affected fields:
- Object: msf__Event__c, field: msf__End_Time__c (datetime field)
- Object: msf__Event__c, field: msf__Start_Time__c (datetime field)
- Object: Activity, field: msf__UserTimeZoneOffset__c (formula field)
Replace these fields in your email or document templates with the following standard Salesforce fields:
- Event: StartDateTime
- Event: EndDateTime
Note: The fields msf__Start_time__c and msf__End_time__c (both formula fields) on the Activity object were already phased out in a previous release. We recommend replacing them as described above.
83247 | Custom icon color in application step settings
With the "Icon Color" setting, you can assign a custom color to the icon of an application step. This setting is now applied correctly again. It is also available in other screens where step or action settings are used, such as Search People, Search Accounts, and Match Lists.
83804 | Closed application status could be selected in all job procedures
There is functionality to restrict an application status to specific job procedures. This is defined in the custom metadata settings of Job Application Status Settings, under the Application Procedure field. This logic now also applies to statuses where the "Closed" checkbox is selected.
84033 | Unnecessary screen refreshes after status change with screen flow
An improvement has been made in various screens where a flow is used to update a status. The repeated refreshing of the screen after completing the flow has been reduced to a single refresh to display the status change.
84320 | Duplicate file extension when merging documents
A file with an uppercase file extension, such as .PDF, no longer causes the merged document to have a duplicate extension. The extension is now correctly filtered from the name, leaving only the lowercase file extension.
84581 | Merge field in the subject line of GDPR emails was not working
Merge fields can now be used in the subject line of a GDPR email.
84695 | My Sign document preview was downloaded
A document requiring a My Sign signature is now displayed on the screen when the signer clicks on it, instead of being downloaded.
85132 | Search People action buttons could become overly wide
In certain situations, such as when only two action buttons were available in Search People, both buttons would expand to 50% of the screen width, making them look awkward and difficult to use. Action buttons now have a maximum width to prevent this issue.
85194 | Naming of custom metadata types for combi functionality
With the introduction of the separate installation package Mysolution Combi, custom metadata types specific to the combi functionality have been marked with the suffix "(old)". These are now also included in the Combi package, making it easier to distinguish which type is being used.
85407 | Group email function for candidate account activation
The global action that allowed candidates to receive a "Create a portal password" email through a batch process was previously disabled due to issues with this method. Instead, a flow should now be used.
If this action is still available in the Global Actions menu, it is recommended to remove it. If it is accidentally clicked, a clearer message will now be displayed:
"Passwords must be sent via a flow using the Apex action SendCreatePasswordEmailFromFlow."
85452 | Secondary activities information was not always displayed correctly in generated documents
In certain cases, information about secondary activities was not displayed correctly in a generated document. This issue has now been resolved.
85613 | Current application status of a job was sometimes not updated
In specific cases, when an application status was changed, the current application status in the job was not updated. This issue has been fixed.
86139 | Logging in via a stored portal email is no longer possible
When sending an invitation email for creating a portal account, the email is stored in the recipient's activity timeline. Previously, an MSR user could repeatedly access the account setup process using the link in the stored email, which violated security guidelines. This has now been adjusted, and the login token is no longer stored in the saved email event.
86151 | Flow action to open a record caused an error
In a screen flow, the navigateToRecord action allows you to open an existing record. This action no longer results in an error when opening a record.
Note: This automatic navigation component can only be used on an action button of the type "Flow." It cannot be used with a custom link button, such as one starting the flow from a list view.
86703 | Rich Text flow component was always required
When using the Rich Text flow component, you can specify whether it is a required field by setting the "Required" parameter to {!$GlobalConstant.False}. This parameter is now correctly applied.
86722 | Knock-out question score was not calculated for sub-jobs
If you use a main/sub-job structure, an application for a sub-job always appears under the main job. The "Applied to sub-job" field indicates which sub-job the candidate actually applied for.
Knock-out questions are initially copied from the main job to the sub-job. However, if knock-out questions are later modified or removed from the main job, this could previously cause issues. From now on, the knock-out question score is always calculated correctly based on the specific sub-job the candidate applied for.
87073 | Displaying the portal menu based on a main and sub-menu
The portal menu can be structured with a main menu and a sub-menu using the "parentid" field. This functionality now works correctly again.
87888 | One-minute time difference in Outlook appointments
In some cases, an appointment created in MSR and synchronized with Microsoft Outlook would show a one-minute difference. For example, an appointment with a start time of 9:00 in MSR might appear as 9:01 in Outlook. This issue has been resolved by always setting the seconds value of the start time to zero, which also prevents similar discrepancies in the end time.
88102 | GDPR confirmation email was sent in the wrong language
When a person consents to the use of personal data, an automatic confirmation email can be sent. If multilingual email templates are used, the correct language template is now selected.
86981-84283-88105 | Address fields were not cleared with GDPR cleanup actions
Several improvements have been made to the GDPR cleanup process:
- 86981 | Address fields (street, postal code, city, etc.) are now correctly cleared when specified in a GDPR cleanup action.
- 84283 | Duplicate cleanup actions are prevented by ensuring the process does not start multiple times in quick succession.
- 84283 | Already cleared related records (such as address changes) no longer trigger unnecessary additional cleanup actions for a person.
- 88105 | If a composite address field is used in the data group, it is now correctly recognized when the underlying address fields are empty.
- 88105 | Inactive data groups are automatically excluded.
- 88105 | If the "Anonymize name" setting is active, already anonymized persons are excluded in advance.
88186 | Workflow tiles for certain objects were not functioning
An improvement has been made to workflow tiles. Tiles referring to standard objects outside the Mysolution Recruitment package or custom objects within the package now open correctly without errors.
Previously, a workflow error could occur when a related field other than Name or Id was used as one of the display fields. This issue has also been resolved.
Quality Update 28-02-2025
87514 | Bullet points in job experience descriptions
When parsing a CV, bullet point lists in job experience descriptions (msf__Job_Description__c) are now processed more effectively. This ensures that the saved description and its appearance in generated Word/PDF documents, such as a commercial CV, are significantly improved.
We now apply a bullet point (•) when a list item is recognized at the beginning of a line. Unnecessary white spaces that previously occurred are removed, and unexpected line breaks are minimized where possible.
Important considerations to benefit from this improvement:
- Ensure that the XML merge field containing the job experience description is inserted into the Word document template as "Formatted Text." If a bullet point list does not appear as a vertical list but instead displays everything in one line, it indicates that the field was not inserted as "Formatted Text." In this case, adjust the template and re-upload it.
- If the first condition is met, but the generated output is still not as expected, try reprocessing the candidate’s CV.
- When manually entering a job experience description, use a hyphen (-) or an asterisk (*) followed by a space to create a bullet point list. Press [Enter] after each item to start the next bullet point on a new line. After saving, this will automatically be converted into a list with bullet points (•). See the examples below.
When manually entering a job experience description, use one of the following formats:
- Job experience description line 1
- Job experience description line 2
- Job experience description line 3
* Job experience description line 1
* Job experience description line 2
* Job experience description line 3
After saving, this will be automatically converted to:
• Job experience description line 1
• Job experience description line 2
• Job experience description line 3
Below is an example of possible formatting with longer descriptions:
87757-88504 | Report could not be generated due to missing German translation
Due to missing German translations for some custom tab labels, an error occurred when creating a new report while using the German language setting. The missing translations have now been added to the MSR package. This improvement is part of a broader task to correct missing and incorrect translations throughout the application.
88185 | Validity of residence permits not correctly processed with Datachecker
Different types of residence permits are now processed correctly by Datachecker. The improvement primarily concerns the recognition of validity dates (from/to).
88267 | Confirmation text for appointments not visible on Experience Cloud Portal
When creating or modifying an appointment using the "Schedule Appointment" function, the confirmation text in the green notification bar is now displayed correctly. Previously, only a green bar with a checkmark was visible.
Note: To see this improvement, you need to republish the portal.
88441 | Checkbox for "Store on external data source" was not disabled
When creating a new document type and selecting the "Generate" field, the "Store on external data source" checkbox is also automatically selected. This ensures proper functionality when generating documents on external storage sources such as Microsoft SharePoint or Google Drive. This behavior remains unchanged.
However, if the "Generate" checkbox is later disabled for an existing document type, the system now also removes the selection from "Store on external data source." Previously, this did not happen, which could prevent the document type from being used correctly.
88657 | Error in "Forgot Password" email due to a large number of email templates
88695 | Incomplete application step when closing a completed flow with the close button
When a flow is completed, the confirmation message "Your Flow Finished" appears. This message is now automatically closed, eliminating the need to manually dismiss it with the close button. This also prevents an application step from being incorrectly marked as incomplete.