Optimisation of Application Steps and Knock-Out Question Answers

The information in the related tabs for Application Steps and Knock-Out Question Answers has been optimized. MSR-864 | Sep 2024

Who is this feature for?

Organizations that use Application Steps and/or Knock-Out Questions.

Benefits for you as a user

  • You receive better information on the Application Steps and Knock-Out Questions
  • Redundant columns are no longer displayed 

Explanation of this new feature

In the Workflow, Vacancy > Applications (Job Bench) and Application Process sections, you could already customise the composition of the tabs in the application overview. You do this by selecting 'Edit Page' on the relevant page.

Specifically for the information on Application Steps and Knock-Out Question Answers, we have made some improvements to the columns.

Improvements in Application Steps:

  • The 'Description' column was not used and is therefore no longer shown
  • The column layout now consists of Application Step Name, From Status, To Status, Reversed, Last Step Date, Time
  • Only completed steps are shown

Improvements in Knock-Out Question Answers:

  • The column layout now consists of Name, Question, Passed and Creation Date 

Feature Implementation Time (FIT)

  • No implementation/setup required if you have already selected these related tabs on the relevant pages.

🔗 Here you can find the key features from the September 2024 Release