We have made the Teams Structure compatible with the use of custom record types. MSR-877 | May 2024
For whom is this feature?
Organizations that use the Teams functionality.
Benefits for you as a user
- For more flexibility in the Teams structure, you can now create custom record types.
Clarification of this new feature
Would you like to use the Team and Team Groups Structure in combination with custom record types? Now you can.
On the object Teams, you can add your own record types to distinguish between different types of teams. Next, you can add users to a selection of teams per record type in the related object 'User Teams'.
In the object ‘User', you will find a new field called ‘Other Team Filter'. This field is automatically filled with assigned team IDs from the object ‘User Teams' for all created record types other than ‘Team’ or ‘Group'. This filter can then be used to specify with a new formula field on a related object (e.g. 'Vacancy') whether this is 'My new record type’ (As is done by default for 'My Team' and 'My Team Group').
Existing filters and formulas in workflow tiles will remain available. The only limitation of this change is that in a Workflow Tile, you can only refer to a single lookup field; for existing workflow tiles, that is always the default Team lookup field. If you want to use a new record type in Teams, you also create a new lookup field for the related object (e.g. in object ‘Vacancy') and then use this in the filter of a new workflow tile.
You create your own custom record types in the object. In the object ‘User', you can refer to the relevant record types in the new field ‘Other Team Filter'.
Feature Implementation Time (FIT)
- Very easy implementation: Implementation time < 30 minutes
🔗 Here you can find the key features from the May 2024 Release